IA Summit 2018


Long time no blog!  This isn’t really going to be a blog either so that clock keeps running!

I haven’t been to any conferences other than the free SoCal UX camp in Irvine, CA.  They just haven’t really been accessible to me, to be honest.  Whether that is true or just an elaborate personal excuse, I don’t know ha.  The prices, the travel… okay, this is seeming more and more like personal excuses.

ANYWAY.  I was bummed to miss this years IA Summit for several reasons.  First, it would have been nice to get back to ‘Sweet Home Chicago’.  Second and most importantly, the lineup was awesome!  I am going to do everything in my power to make it out next year!

I am sure that there will be some sort of official record of the event put out by the event itself but I wanted to collect all publicly available slide shares/videos/etc and put them in one place.  I wanted to do that just for myself, to see and learn what I missed out on, but then I figured I might as well put it here and that way people could also utilize it.

For the record, this list is in no way associated with the event, I am just taking links that I can find on Twitter and compiling them all in one place.  I will have missed a lot so please bring it to my attention and I can add it to the list!

If you notice something I am missing, let me know!  If you don’t want your work on this list, definitely let me know!  Thank you to everyone involved for helping me learn and grow even though I did not attend.  Fingers crossed I will see you next year!